Thursday, May 31, 2012

Don't Throw Away Those Old Bundles of Newspaper Just Yet!

What do you do with old bundles or newspapers?  Do you throw them away or recycle?
Well, I like to recycle but I also like to reuse them for something else.

I was raised by my grandparents until I was 10 in Korea, which was 21 years ago.  Back then we didn't have many things as we did today.  One of the things we didn't have were paper towels.  To clean windows and mirrors my grandparents used a sheet of newspaper and a water spritzer.  Ever since I became more thrifty, I started to take my grandparents' habits into use.

You wouldn't believe it but cleaning windows and mirrors with a sheet of newspaper and Windex does WONDERS.  It doesn't leave any debris and leaves a streak free shine.  The texture of the newspaper gets off all the nasty dirt and grime that's built up on the windows.  It will also cut your cleaning windows time in half.  Not to mention you save money by not using paper towels!

Other ways you can use your newspapers are:
  • Compost for your garden
  • Newspaper mulch for your garden
  • Give it to someone else who can't afford it
  • Use as a table or counter top cover when you are working with something messy
  • To make fire
  • Makes a great fly swatter
Those are just few of many!  Let your imaginations go wild!  What do you do with your old newspapers?

-Nerdy Mom

P.S. Remember to reduce, reuse and recycle! 

All You Need To Know About Circuit Training

What is Circuit Training?

Circuit Training is a form of conditioning that combines short burst of resistance training and high intensity aerobics with frequent repetitions. It works the whole body.

A Circuit usually consists of 5-10 exercises. Each exercise is followed quickly by another excise targeting a different muscle group. And, because the excercises switch to different muscle groups, little to no rest is needed. This gets the heart rate up and that is the conditioning aspect of Circuit Training.

What are the advantages of Circuit Training?
1. Great fat burner
2. Provides a total body workout
3. Develops strength and mascular endurance
4. Can be adjusted to suit your age & fitness abilities
5. Short & intense workouts
6. Fun and varied. No risk of getting bored
7. Helps to improve agility & speed

Here are some examples of Circuit Training Workouts:

The "No Equipment Needed" Workout
- Spend 30 seconds on each exercise before moving on to the next one.
- Rest for 1 minute after completing the circuit and repeat 2 more times.

1. Squats
2. Jog in place
3. Walking Lunges
4. Jumping Jacks
5. Push Ups
6. Squat Jumps
7. Crab Walks
8. Jumping Lunges
9. T- Push Ups
10. Butt Kicks


1. Lateral Hops
2. Mountain Climbers
3. High Knees
4. T Push Ups
5. Jumping Lunges
6. Bear Crawls
7. Burpees

Circuit Training with Free Weights
- 60 seconds per station (exercise)
- Rest 2 minutes & repeat circuit 2-3x

1. Dumbbell Squats
2. Jog in place
3. Push Ups
4. Jump Rope
5. Barbell Bent Over Row
6. Jumping Jacks
7. Dumbbell Upright Rows
8. Butt Kicks
9. Dumbbell Lunges
10. Jog in place


1. Box Jumps
2. KB Swings
3. Dumbbell Squats
4. Jump Rope
5. Wide Grip Pulldowns
6. Burpees
7. One Arm Snatches
8. Plank

Handy Tips
1. Have a stopwatch or timer
2. Go relativey lighter on the weights as you will be performing the exercises for a longer period of time compared to normal strength training
3. Make sure you have enough space needed for your workout
4. Perform each exercises and rep to proper form
5. You can scale the workouts & exercise durations to your fitness ability
6. Make sure that you have an adequate warm up & cool down phase

The Spartacus Workout
This workout is inspired by the Spartacus television show and created by one of the World's top fitness experts: Rachel Cosgrove. It kicks my butt every time and leaves me drenched in sweat when I've finished it. To challenge yourself after you have become accustomed to the workout, you can increase the weights you use.

- Each station last for 60 seconds
- Allow yourself 15 seconds to transistion between exercises
- Rest for 2 minutes after the circuit and repeat 2 more times.
- Research the exercises beforehand ( use YouTube or Google)

1. Goblet Squat
2. Mountain Climbers
3. Single-arm dumbbell swing
4. T push ups
5. Split Jumps
6. Dumbbell Row
7. Dumbbell Side lunge & touch
8. Push up position row
9. Dumbbell lunge & rotation
10. Dumbbell push press

I hope you've enjoyed this post. Please let me know if you would like me to blog about any particular fitness/ health related issues.

~ Fit mom

The Fit Female Credo

Rachel Cosgrove's Fit female credo:

1. Act as if you are a fit female

2. Get out of your comfort zone

3. Fuel your body to be fabulous

4. Train hard or go home

5. Get hooked on feeling fit, not a number on a scale

6. Be an early riser

7. Make R&R...&R a priority!

8. Obstacles will arise - anticipate them!

9. Keep a journal or a blog

10. Eliminate Crabs & surround yourself with supportive people!

11. Think about your thoughts!

12. Attitude is everything!

13. Manage Your "Tub of Stress"!

14. Put an end to body bashing and instead celebrate your strengths!

15. Don't rely on willpower. Have strategies!

16. Stop rationalizing and making excuses!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What Kind of Discounts & Freebies Can Your Kids Get You With Good Grades?

School is almost over and report cards are coming in soon!  Thekrazycouponlady has a list of companies that can give you freebies and discounts!  Some of the freebies include:  Free scoop of ice cream at Baskin Robbins, free 8 piece chicken nuggets at Chick-fil-a and more!  Make sure to inquire at your store first!

-Nerdy Mom

How to BUY Drug Store Items for FREE!

Getting stuff for free is so easy with drugstores these days!  They actually advertise them like the picture on the left!  You will see this on the Walgreen's ad from this week on the last page.  So how does it work?  Let's say you are going to buy the Tecnu First Aid Gel.  The sale price is $7.  Then it says you'll get $7 Register Rewards good on next purchase.  You pay the $7 out of pocket at the register and  you will get a little long coupon with your receipt that looks like this:

You may not like the idea of having to pay out of your pocket first but, you can use that $7 register reward towards other items such as ANOTHER FREE ITEM!  Right below the first aid gel, you will see Youtheory Collagen Type 1 & 3 for $7 sale price.  It also says you get $7 Register Rewards good on next purchase.  You can use the $7 Register Reward that you got from the first aid gel and use it to buy the Collagen pills.  Guess what? You get ANOTHER Register Rewards for $7!  You won't have to pay a penny! (You can actually do 2 separate transactions for this in the same shopping trip) Now you can save that $7 Register Rewards for similar sales next week!  I save my Register Rewards and hunt for sales like this every week.  It's like getting to try all these items for free!

My total for the above items came out to $20.08 after coupons and before tax.  I used a $0.35 coupon for the toothpaste and used $0.55 for the shaving lotion.  I got $2 back from shaving lotion, $3 from toothpaste, $7 from first aid gel, and $7 from Youtheory Collagen.  So I got $19 total back in Register Rewards which means all this stuff was for $1.08!  You have to try this it's so much fun!  Oh, and remember to read the fine print on the Register Rewards - you can't use it on certain items such as dairy, lottery tickets, etc...  If you have any questions about couponing please don't hesitate to contact me!  Have fun free shopping!

-Nerdy Mom

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Free 2.7 oz Crest Toothpaste at CVS! No Coupons!

Woohoo!  I love sales like this!  CVS is running a promotion this week - when you purchase Crest or Oral B Clinical Gum Protection, you will receive $3.00 Extra Bucks.  The Crest Complete 2.7 oz costs around $2.99, and after $3.00 Extra Bucks it'll be free!  You will get the $3.00 Extra Bucks after you pay but you can use it for any item in the store in your next shopping trip.  It's kind of like a gift card!  Make sure you have your ExtraCare Card and the limit is two, so you won't get the Extra Bucks after you buy 2.

Crest Complete, 2.7 oz - $2.97-$2.99

Pay: $2.97-$2.99

Get $3 Extra Bucks (limit 2)

Final Cost:  Free!

Breastfeeding after C-Section: A Difficult Journey

I thought it was going to be easy.  Of course being a first time mom I had no idea what I was getting myself into.  Cesarean section wasn't planned (if you'd like, read why I had a c-section here), and recovery took longer than I thought.

I was all for breastfeeding because it's best for the baby, and of course it would give us a big break from our budget since it meant not buying formula.  I read numerous books about breastfeeding to get myself prepared.  I didn't think breastfeeding was going to be that hard.  I mean, our ancestors had no choice but to breastfeed since there were no such thing as formula.

After I had the unplanned c-section I SPECIFICALLY told the nurse DO NOT give him ANY bottles or pacifiers because I plan on exclusively breastfeeding.  Good thing the hospital was very supportive of breastfeeding.  They listened and brought my baby over to feed for the first time.  It went surprisingly well, he didn't have any problems latching on - he was such a champ!

I've heard plenty of stories about babies having difficulty latching on and the mother ends up giving up.  I felt so lucky not having that problem.  At the hospital, all he wanted to do was sleep so I was feeding him about every 2 1/2 -3 hours.  Despite the fact that I was recovering from a major surgery this was WAY easier than I thought.............NOT!  Everything changed the day we came home.

He was awake every 1 - 1 1/2 hours.  He would be on a breast for 10-15 mins, making it 20-30 mins per feeding. Then he would be awake again in about 45 mins.  At some point he wouldn't go back to sleep for 5 straight hours.  I was getting NO sleep.  He was driving me near edge into insanity.  I was literally running around top half naked all day because he was on the boob 24/7.  I knew that for a newborn baby to sleep, he needed to be full and happy.  Obviously my baby wasn't satisfied enough to stay asleep.  I was so exhausted from the surgery and my body was going through so much stress trying to recover that I wasn't producing much milk.  It also didn't help that he weighed over 10 lbs at birth.  He felt like a ton every time I had to carry him.

I tried everything to increase my supply - I tried pumping in between feeding, warm compress, I even stopped my pain meds - nothing seemed to work.  Pumping in between actually made it worse because it caused me to get less rest.  Some days I cried because I just didn't know what to do.  I just thought I was an inadequate mother.  I doubted myself and didn't know if I can go on breastfeeding.  I could've taken the easy route and supplement with formula but I didn't want to.  I am not the gray area type of person.  Either I was going to breastfeed or I wasn't going to.

My husband was very supportive throughout this whole process.  One time I fell asleep and stayed asleep for about 4 hours.  I woke up surprised because I thought something happened to my baby and he didn't wake up.  I saw my husband watching TV next to him and said, "Just go back to sleep and get some rest, he's fine."  I said, "What do you mean?  He hasn't been fed for more than 4 hours!" "I fed him some formula so you can stay sane."  I was FURIOUS!  My #1 supporter had turned against me.  I told him how am I supposed to build my milk supply if I skipped a feeding...and I went on.

After a brief argument, he talked some sense into me.  How am I supposed to be a good mother if I'm just miserable, in pain and getting no sleep whatsoever?  I decided to get back on my pain meds, my husband went to buy extra formula just in case I wanted to supplement.  Just the thought of having a back up plan and not putting this all on myself actually eased my mind and relaxed me more.  I was a happier person.  I felt more determined.

Ever since that incident I never supplemented.  My milk supply was up and maintaining at around 3 1/2 months.  Yes, I was very very much sleep deprived but I put up with it for 3 1/2 months.  Breastfeeding was the hardest thing that I've ever done to this day.  My son was EXCLUSIVELY breastfed until he was 6 months old, and up until 1 year old.  I am so happy knowing that I provided the best thing in the world for him.  My son is now a wonderful, healthy, thriving, active 2 year old toddler.

If you are pregnant and planning to breastfeed, make sure you have people that are supportive around you.  I don't know what I would've done without my husband beside me.

Read: My 10 lb 1 oz Baby

-Nerdy Mom

How To Look Awesome Part 2

This is a follow up to How To Look Awesome Part 1

Which strength training exercises will give you the fastest & best results?

1. The king of all exercises is the SQUAT- Most people think of the squat as purely for the legs but they would be mistaken. Squatting engages your whole skeletal & muscular system. Not only will your quads, hamstrings and glutes be worked but so will your abs and upper body. The Squat is an overall body exercise. Because you engage lots of muscles when squatting compared to isolation movements like the bicep curl, you will see the quickest results on your whole body.

Read More --->

Which sunscreen should you be buying?

Be Well Philly EWG sunscreen rankings

This is a very helpful article by Be Well Philly. With Summer here, we buy sunscreen by truckloads for us & our family. But, which brand is the safest & best? I know that this is something that plays on the minds of sun lovers, parents & outdoorsy people. EWG ranks sunscreens for us based on the safest ingredients, effective protection and price.

~ Fit mom

Fabulous Baby Item Deals at Target this week! Starting from $0.24!

If you are running low on baby shampoos and lotions you can stock up on these right now.  Target is having some great baby item deals this week!  And best of all, no Sunday newspaper coupons!  You can print them right from your home!

Up & Up Petroleum Jelly Skin Protectant, 2.5 oz. $1.24, Regular Price
Use $1.00/1 – Up & Up Baby Skin or Hair Care Item, Excludes Trial Size, One per guest, Target Coupon – (
Price after coupon: $0.24

Up & Up Baby Lotion, 15 oz. $1.49, Regular Price
Use $1.00/1 – Up & Up Baby Skin or Hair Care Item, Excludes Trial Size, One per guest, Target Coupon – (
Price after coupon: $0.49

Up & Up Tear-Free Baby Shampoo, 15 oz. $1.49, Regular Price
Use $1.00/1 – Up & Up Baby Skin or Hair Care Item, Excludes Trial Size, One per guest, Target Coupon – (
Price after coupon: $0.49

Up & Up Baby Hair & Body Wash, 15 oz. $1.52, Regular Price
Use $1.00/1 – Up & Up Baby Skin or Hair Care Item, Excludes Trial Size, One per guest, Target Coupon – (
Price after coupon: $0.52

Up & Up Baby Hair Detangler Spray, 10 oz. $1.74, Regular Price
Use $1.00/1 – Up & Up Baby Skin or Hair Care Item, Excludes Trial Size, One per guest, Target Coupon – (
Price after coupon: $0.74

Below isn't a baby item but I just thought it was a good deal to post.

Up & Up Liquid Soap, 7.5 oz Pump $0.97
Use $0.50/1 – Up & Up Liquid Hand Soap, Target Coupon – (
Price after coupon: $0.47

Monday, May 28, 2012

85% Savings on Groceries! Saved $98.00!

My shopping trip from ShopRite on Saturday!  Sorry I don't have all the coupon links to the groceries on this post, but this was a last minute shopping trip and the sales are already over!  But I wanted to share with you the picture and the receipt (the receipt was actually too long to scan) so I scanned the bottom part.

The total savings reflect ShopRite's sales and coupons.

I will post my other shopping trips with instructions more often!

Enjoy your holiday!

-Nerdy Mom

Saturday, May 26, 2012

My Target Trip Today: See how I paid $7.25 for all this!

 click to zoom

My last minute trip to Target today before this week's sale is over!
I'm glad I got this deal because I was running low on bandaids and I can't wait to try the Kid's Neosporin Foam because my little one is always getting hurt somewhere!

1 MP Gallon water - $0.89
2 Morning Star veggie burgers - $3.00 each (price cut)
4 MP Mix frozen vegetables - $0.99 each (price cut)
1 Kid's Neosporin Foam - $3.54
1 Bandaid 40ct - $1.97
1 Benadryl anti-itch stick - $2.39
1 Johnson & Johnson Red First Aid Bag - $4.69
Total Before coupons: $23.44

Coupons used:
2 - $1.00/1 off Morning Star Veggie Burgers (under grocery)
1 - $1.00/4 off MP Frozen Mixed Vegetables
1 - $1.00/1 Neosporin Product from SmartSource 4/15 or $2.00/1 – Neosporin Antibiotic Product – ( (too bad i didn't know that there was a better value coupon!)
1 - $2.00/1 Benadryl Product – ( must sign up
1 - $0.50/1 Band-Aid Product (
FREE Johnson & Johnson's First Aid Bag when you buy 3 participating first aid products (purchase must exceed $4.69)
1 - $5.00 Gift Card (from purchasing 2 Banana Boat Cool Zone earlier this week)

Total $7.25 It could've been $6.25! Oh well, I need to get over that.  Haha.

Meat Deals Starting This Sunday!

If you are planning to grill this weekend, I have a list of some meat deals for you starting this Sunday.
Anything I have marked *best price is the best price out of all 5 stores for that week.


  • Perdue chicken leg quarters - $0.77/lb *best price
  • Boneless center cut pork chops - $1.99/lb *best price
  • NY strip steak - $5.99/lb
  • 2lb bag large cleaned shrimp or 2lb bag cooked med. shrimp - $10.95 each w/super coupon in ad
  • 2lb bag jumbo cleaned shrimp or 2.5lb bag cooked large shrimp - $16.49 each

  • Lancaster Brand, Chef's Trim or Perdue chicken breasts Buy 1 Get 1 Free (save up to $10.99 on 2lb) 
  • Artic Shores jumbo raw shrimps - $7.99/lb 16-20 ct. (ez peel previously frozen)
  • Large snow crab clusters - $5.99/lb
  • Colossal snow crab clusters - $7.99/lb
  • Hatfield Simply tender pork spare ribs - $2.49/lb
  • Lancaster brand or Stockman & Dakota angus USDA Choice beef T-Bone, Porterhouse, Ribeye or Loin Strip steak 40% off
  • Stockman & Dakota Pub Burgers - $8.99 each
  • Nathan's Beef franks, Ball Park Beef & Angus Beef - BOGO Free
  • Kingsford charcoal - $6.99

  • Giant Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast - $1.99/lb *best price
  • Giant fresh southern style pork slice for BBQ - $1.99/lb
  • Jumbo snow crab clusters $7.99/lb
  • Ball Park beef franks BOGO Free
  • Giant fresh chicken leg quarters $0.99/lb
  • Giant fresh eye round roast or steak 

  • Rancher's Reserve Beef Ribeye Steak - $5.99/lb
  • Rancher's Reserve Boneless Beef RIbeye Steak - $7.99/lb
  • Rancher's Reserve Boneless Beef Tenderloin - $9.99/lb
  • Pork shoulder country style ribs - $2.49/lb
  • Safeway boneless skinless chicken breasts or thighs - $2.99/lb *so expensive!
  • Butcher's Cut 73% lean 27% fat ground beef patties 2.5lb package - $7.47 each
  • waterfront BISTRO medium raw shrimp - $5.99/lb
  • Rancher's Reserve Beef back ribs (frozen) - $1.99/lb
  • Thin Sliced Boneless beef chuck steak - $3.99/lb
Bottom Dollar Food

  • Pork Spare Ribs - $1.25/lb *best price
  • 73% Ground beef - $1.33/lb *best price
  • Ball Park Meat Franks - $1.48 *best price
  • Additionally they have $.57 hamburger/hotdog buns *best price
Shrimps and snow crab clusters seemed to be around the same price.
I'll be stocking up on some leg quarters from ShopRite, I like to pay .69/lb or less but I need them, it's still an "ok" price.
I'll be definitely be stopping by Bottom Dollar Food to stock up on spare ribs and get some buns!  I don't like to go lower than 80% on ground beef, it's still a good price but I'll be passing on this one.

-Nerdy Mom

Friday, May 25, 2012

Must See Deal: Old Navy Tank Top $2 + 10% Coupon!

I can never have enough tank tops!

Right now through 5/28, Old Navy tank tops are just at $2.
Combine that with a 10% coupon that you can print at Old Navy Facebook Page!

You can score 5 tank tops for just $9.00!  What a great deal!

-Nerdy Mom

Couponing Tip: How to use store coupons at other stores

click to zoom in

Have you ever gotten one of these?  Ever wondered how-or if -you can you use them?  I am here to put your fear of couponing away little by little!

First of all, they are exactly what they seem.  You get a certain amount off when you present these coupons at the cash register.  How do you get them?  By purchasing certain items that are running special promotions that are advertised in the ad flyer.  After you pay at the register, there is a separate little machine near the cash register that will print one of these coupons and the clerk should hand them over to you with the receipt.

What is the difference between these two coupons?  On the right side of the coupons they both say "SHOPRITE".  But near the expiration date, the coupon on top says "MANUFACTURER CPN" and one on the bottom says "STORE COUPON".  

So how can you use these Shoprite coupons at other super markets or stores?  The one that says "STORE COUPON" cannot be used anywhere else but Shoprite.  The bar code is specifically for Shoprite scanners.  Now the one that says "MANUFACTURER CPN" can be used at another super market.  Why?  Because manufacturer coupons are straight from the manufacturers(not from stores) and the super markets can send it out to the manufacturer to get the value of the coupon redeemed.

Check with your super market and ask if they take competitor's coupons.  Most will say yes, as long as it says "manufacturer coupon".  Some stores may have store policies that are more strict so my advice is just ask.  It never hurts to.  

You are a consumer and you are entitled to save money.

I go to both Giant and Shoprite frequently and always use Giant coupons at Shoprite and vice versa.  Whichever store that has the best deals that week, I take my coupons there.

-Nerdy Mom

P.S.  If you have any couponing questions please don't hesitate to ask!

Gerber coupons: Save on formula, baby food and more!

Check out these coupons!  Save on formula, baby food and more! click here

-Nerdy Mom

How To Look Awesome Part 1

Okay, so we've all been there.

The weather is heating up and we all really want to look good for Summer. There's no shame in that.

What's the first thing we do. Conventional thought & practice has us spending endless amounts of time on the elliptical, treadmill or recumbent bike: the Cardio machines.

We see the calories burned information from the machine & think "great, for 30mins I burned 500 calories. Let me do another 30mins".

Now first off, those "calories burned" from the Cardio machines are wholly inaccurate. How can a machine truly know how many calories you've burned without knowing your height, weight, metabolism, heart rate, or V02 max. The simple answer is that it doesn't know. It is guessing for you. So that 500cals may actually be half the amount in reality. I'd personally rather be doing something more intense, results focused & less boring.

Secondly, the more you do a particular cardiovascular exercise (this doesn't apply to HIIT)- lets say staying on the elliptical for 20mins each workout, your body will learn to adapt to the workout. So whilst in the beginning you were burning 200cals for 20mins, after a few sessions of this workout your body gets smarter and learns to conserve its energy expenditure. 20mins on the elliptical will mean less of a calorie burn. To get the same calorie burn as before, you will need to spend more time on the elliptical. This is true for steady state running, you will need to run longer or faster each run to burn the same amount of calories.

Thirdly and probably the most important point, why do we even fixate ourselves on calories burned? Calories burned do not translate into a change in body composition. Unless you are placing an overload on your body or using high intensity in your workouts, your body comp will not change.

Now I'm not saying don't run or use the cardio machines if that's what makes you happy. I'm saying for effectively changing your body composition, it isn't the most efficient option. I myself enjoy running outside and treat it as my me-time.

So, what should you be doing to get even more bang for your buck in your exercises? To have a more effective workout regime for overall fitness, athleticism, fat loss, body composition and strength?
Well the clue was in the last word of the last sentence: Strength.

Strength training isn't inclusively about lifting weights. People strength train using solely their body weight with exercises like pull-ups, push ups, dips, sit-up, squats and more challenging exercises like handstand push-ups, superman & planche push-ups and pistol squats to name a few. And, these people see phenomenal results.

Now, if you find bodyweight exercises hard at first or prefer more progressive weight loading, let's talk about lifting weights :) My first smiley face on this blog because my passion for lifting weights & strength runs deep.

Benefits of lifting weights & strength training
1. It increases bone density & joint strength. This is especially important to women as Osteoporosis is a huge issue for us and lifting weights is a way to offset it.
2. Combats depression by increasing levels of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine.
3. Improves cardiovascular health
5. Slows muscles from wasting away - lean muscle mass naturally decreases with age. The muscle loss will then be replaced with fat. Strength training can help with ths.
6. Empowerment - you'll be able to lift heavier things without ask anyone for their help
7. Change the composition of your body by increasing your lean muscle mass
8. Physical attractiveness - sculpt your body with weights.
9. Increase your body's basal metabolic rate - thus promoting long term fat loss.
10. Increase in strength

Will lifting weights make me bulky?
This is a question most women ask and guys will tell you that this isn't really as easy as you think. People work years and years to pack on the kind of muscle mass as Arnold Schwarzenegger and some never really get to that level. For women, it is so much harder to get "bulky". We simply don't produce the high levels of testosterone for this. We would need to take lots & lots of supplements & drugs.

A lot of the "bulky" women you see on the covers of Bodybuidling magazines work hard for many years and some supplement with drugs or growth hormone enhancers to look the way that they do. They are not a true representation of what happens to beginners who take up strength training & lift heavy weights.

Also, lifting heavy promotes strength and not size at first. Remember what I said about your body's ability to always adapt. The heavier weights you lift, the stronger you get.

Getting big doesn't happen overnight and is dependent on your diet. The more you eat over your calorie expenditure, the more weight you gain. And the same can be said for you eating less, you will weigh less.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of How To Look Awesome. I'll discuss what exercises you should be doing to get the fastest results & dispel the toning myth.

~ Fit mom

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Why Buy a Pair of Glasses When You Can Get Them For Free?

Right now is giving away free pair of glasses to first time customers!  All you pay is about $10 shipping.  And best of all, you can return it for free if it doesn't fit!  I already got a pair myself for free when they were having this promotion about a month ago.

I can't stress this enough though, MAKE SURE that you have your CORRECT prescription from your optician BEFORE you place the order.  Your eyes may have something out of the norm and that costs extra.

Other than that, happy free shopping! :)

-Nerdy Mom

Awesome Deal: 4 Pack YoBaby/YoToddler $0.25 per Yogurt at Giant!

If you have a baby or toddler that loves yogurts, there is an unbeatable deal going on at Giant!  They are $2.00 each this week for a 4 pack YoBaby/YoToddler yogurts!  To top it off, you can use these printable coupons ($0.50 off for a 4 pack), but make sure to look through and print the correct ones.  You also have to sign up to get the coupons and they only allow you to print once and I believe the coupons reset every month.  I made 4 different accounts just so I can get more coupons.

Click to zoom

Now the deal gets better if your Giant doubles coupons!  You will be able to score these for $1.00 for the 4 pack which makes it only $0.25 per yogurt!  Here is my receipt to set an example. :)

Oh, and make sure you have your Giant's club card!

-Nerdy Mom

Hillsprints: The best conditioning exercise

For awhile I had been hearing the many benefits of incorporating hillsprints into my training program. At first the concept of sprinting up a hill didn't appeal to me. I mean, it's a physically hard & demanding workout. Sprinting on level ground is difficult enough,sprinting uphill is a different ball game. But, you either go hard, or you go home. One of my goals for the year was to get out of my comfort zone and do something that I wouldn't normally choose to do. I want to keep constantly challenging myself.

I like my conditioning & cardiovascular workouts to be intense and short. I cannot fathom being cooped up in a gym going endlessly on an elliptical machine or running longer than 35mins. Hillsprints & I started sounding more like a match made in heaven.

I finally bit the bullet a few months ago and ran up a hill. Now, it's my go-to conditioning exercise. If not one of my most favorite workouts. I even get my husband and daughter to sprint with me. We race each other and it's awesome motivation for me. I also have to say that my body composition has changed immensely. Whilst this can't all be credited to hillsprints, I have noticed my legs looking & feeling stronger since I first started.

What are the benefits of hillsprints?

1. Free exercise - No expensive memebership fees. Just go outside and find a hill, steep incline road, stadium steps or even outdoor steps.
2. Burns fat & improves your body composition - You will be hard pressed to find a conditioning exercise that does this so well. It targets & strengthens every major muscle in your body. Because you are fighting against gravity, your muscles (in particular your hamstrings, glutes, quads, calves) have to work so much harder. To adapt to this, they eventually get stronger. You just have to look at the body of a sprinter compared to that of a long distance runner to illustrate this.
3. Improves cardiovascular fitness - Your lung capacity & thus your stamina will increase as well as your speed & power.
4. Effectiveness - It bridges the gap between strength & conditioning workouts. Thereby, giving you more bang for your buck.
5. Risk of injury is minimal - You can't run as fast uphill as you can on level ground. This is a good thing as you will be less likely to overextend your muscles. Also, because of the incline your strides become shorter, which reduces the impact on your bones.
6. Time saver - It doesn't take a huge chunk of your time to do. 10-15mins at the most as this is a high intensity workout. Awesome for when you're pressed for time.
7. Euphoric Rush - The feeling of knowing you conquered that hill at the end of your workout is definitely a good one.

Tips on hillsprints

1. If you're new to running & hillsprints, take it easy. Don't be overly ambitious. As you get better at hillsprints, you will be able to run longer & faster.

2. Don't forget to warm up. I usually jog 1/2 mile to my preferred hill and add in dynamic stretching to get my body awake and ready for action.

3. Remember the steeper the hill, the harder the exercise.

4. Gauge your sprint distance according to your ability. A nice starter distance would be anywhere between 15-25 seconds. You can always increase your distance after a few sessions & as your body adapts.

5. Bring a stopwatch to time your sprints. This is a good way of managing your progression & improvements.

6. Run as fast as you can up the hill, walk back down and repeat. You can take a short rest at the bottom of the hill before sprinting again.

7. Aim for anywhere between 5-10 sprint repeats.

8. Stretch your muscles after.

Happy Sprinting!

~ Fit mom

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Great Find: 2 Banana Boat Cool Zone for $0.98 at Target!

Summer is near and you know what that means... SUN BURN!  Good thing I stocked up on enough sunblock for the summer :) But just in case you didn't, you're going to need this! Here's a great deal that's going on at Target.  I picked up 2 of these for $5.98 +tax AND I got a $5.00 gift card!  Which means I only paid $0.98 +tax!

Here's how I did it:

Banana Boat Sport Coolzone,$4.99 ea.
Get a $5 Target Gift Card when you buy 2 participating Banana Boat products

I used 2 - $1/1 Banana Boat Product coupons from SmartSource from 4/22 Sunday Paper

Even if you don't have the SmartSource coupon, you can still get a pretty good deal regardless,  paying just $2.98 +tax after the gift card for 2.

Oh and those of you who don't know, you CAN combine 1 Target coupon and 1 Manufacturer's coupon per item.

-Nerdy Mom

Yoga: What is it? And, is it for everyone?

Yoga is the practice of physical, mental and spiritual discipline. The asanas/poses in Yoga allows the practice of meditation through movement.

Some of the benefits of Yoga:
1. Increase in flexibility
2. Strength & balance
3. Decrease in anxiety & depression
4. Awareness of your body

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My 10 lb 1 oz Baby

I was a petite 105 lb girl before I got pregnant.  Right before I had my little Jae(little? HA!) I was at a whopping 185 lb!  I mean is that even possible?? How did I gain so much over 9 months?  Maybe it was because I ate everything that came across my way...maybe I thought my fast metabolism will work itself to burn all the calories? I also worked until the end of 8th month of pregnancy and I did a lot of walking but my ginormous hunger vs what I was doing to burn calories didn't match up.  My doctor didn't seem to really be concerned because my blood pressure was normal and I was tested for gestational diabetes and everything came back fine.

I hate to admit but this was me before going in to surgery.  I lost 70 lbs after I had Jae though, and that will be another story :)

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Gerber Fruit Strips Vs. Archer Farms (Target Brand)

Please click on the picture to zoom in.

Cheaper & healthier alternative to Gerber snack.  This is what I get for Jae's one of on-the-go snacks.
I want to make this short and to the point so here it is :)

Gerber "Graduates" Fruit Strips:  
  1. $2.49-$2.99
  2. 5 strips
  3. Non-organic
Archer Farms Organic Real Fruit Strips :
  1. $2.99 Reg. Price ($2.69 Temporary Price Cut)
  2. 10 strips
  3. Organic
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Tattoo & Kids

Photo of a tattoo by the famous Japanese artist Shige.

Between my husband and I, we collectively have 12 tattoos.

I never thought I'd be an "inked" person but truth be told, my tattoos are very much apart of me. Their meaning so deep as to represent me in my most happiest state, to my saddest and then what I like to call my re-birth.

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Free Target Beauty Bag!

Hey everyone!  I just wanted to start off this blog with a link to a free Target beauty bag!  I've gotten this bag for free numerous of times and it comes with AWESOME stuff - such as lotions, lip balms etc... -  including a little Target beauty coupon booklet! Just "like" their Facebook Page and enter your info!  Hurry before they're gone...they usually don't last!

P.S.  Their Facebook Page will be slow because a lot of people are trying to get it.  Just be patient and try not to go crazy clicking.

-Nerdy Mom


Hello, World!

We are two friends and moms with an interest in all things parenting, smart shopping, fitness and much more.

We hope to share with you tips and experiences that we've picked up along our journey.

Nerdy mom is mom to a loving and mischievous 2 year old boy. Whilst, Fit mom is mom to an active and free-spirited 9 year old girl. The two children love each other like siblings. They don't often get to see each other as much but when they do, they are in their own little magical world.

However, we are more than just mothers. We have varied passions and hobbies. Our aim is to arm this blog with a wide breath of topics and lots of personality.

So join us on our journey and get to know us a little better. And, please don't hesitate to interact with us.

~ Nerdy mom & Fit mom


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