Monday, August 6, 2012

Check Your Credit Score Free!

Ever wanted to know your credit score but want to avoid the whole hassle of writing the credit bureaus and/or spending money?

I personally use 2 sites that are absolutely free. and is powered by TransUnion. After putting in your personal information, you will get your TransUnion credit score. Not only will you get to see your credit score but it will allow you to see how much debt you have and which areas you need to improve more.  It also allow you to calculate what your credit score may look like if you were to make changes to your credit such as opening a new credit card or a loan. is powered by Experian.  It is similiar to but it has a bit more features.  It allows you to manage your debt, if you own a house, it will also estimate the value of your home.  You can also set your goals, get advice on which credit cards can save you most money and much more.

They are both great sites and can't go wrong with free credit score!  Of course these sites won't go into all the details like how much you owe on which account (you'd have to buy a credit report for that) but I still love the fact that I can keep track of my credit score for free.

Do you know any other free credit score sites?

-Nerdy Mom

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Olympics Special: Move It Exercises

We are all very excited to watch the Games in my household. What a fantastic opportunity to see the hard work and athleticism of different people around the world. Therefore, in honour of London 2012, this is our first Olympics inspired post.

Here are exercise movements that you can incorporate in your own workouts and bring the athlete out in you.

Track & Field
Track and Field is a sport that comprises of various athletic contests based on running, jumping and throwing.

Check out these exercises that will help improve your power, strength, balance and explosiveness. Track & Field exercises will also help your muscle endurance & give you a great calorie burn.

Jump Tucks


How to do it:
1 Begin in a standing position, feet hip width distance apart and legs straight.
2. Crouch into a squat position, jump up explosively using your legs, core and arms.
3. When you jump, tuck your knees into your chest. And, when you return lower your knees, land on both feet with knees bent.

1.Repeat this move 10 times, rest and do 2 more sets.

Plyo box jumps
This is a quick powerful movement.


How to do it:
1. Stand in front of a secure box or platform
2. Jump onto box & immediately back down to starting position.

1. Repeat exercise 10 times, rest and do another 2 sets of 10 box jumps.
2. Once you have conquered a certain height, move onto higher boxes.


Handy Tip:
Don't have access to a plyo box? Use a park bench like I did.




Sprints are short burst of runs. You run as quickly as you can from one point to another, rest and then repeat. Just like the jump tucks and plyo jumps, it is a high intensity activity that requires a small amount of time. It brings immense benefits & dramatic results from improved endurance & aerobic capacity to fat loss and muscle power. It also helps to make you a faster runner.

How to do it:
1. As with the other exercises, warm up 5-10 mins beforehand.
2. Choose two points that will allow you to run 30 secs between them.
3. Perform a 30 sec sprint between these points (run fast), recover for 1-2 mins by walking or jogging back to starting point. Repeat sprint.

1. Do a repeat sprint/recovery routine 4-8 times (depending on your level & ability).

~Fit Mom


Free Yoga Sunday: The Men Edition


Here's a special Free Yoga Sunday post for all our male readers. 3 pages of a follow-through yoga sequence thanks to Yoga Journal. This is also very ladies friendly and can be done by all.





~Fit Mom

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Easy Cook Grilled Chicken Stuffed with Tomato & Basil

As the title suggest, this is a really easy cook grilled chicken dish that's a great alternative for Summer BBQ days.


1. 2-3 Chicken breasts
2. Sliced tomatoes
3. Fresh & dried basil
4. 2 cloves of chopped garlic
5. Ground pepper
6. 1.5 Tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
7. Salt

1. Butterfly chicken breast on chopping board.

2. Marinate chicken with extra virgin olive oil, ground pepper, dried basil, salt and garlic. Let stand for 30 mins.

3. Open chicken breast and place 3 fresh basil leaves & 2 slices of tomatoes inside. You can use toothpicks/skewers to secure the top & bottom half of the chicken breasts together.
Handy tip place the toothpicks in water for 30 mins before using so that it doesn't burn in the grill.

4. Heat grill up & cook chicken breast for 15 minutes. You can remove skewers/toothpicks afterwards.


Happy Grilling!

~Fit Mom

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Target Trip 7/24: Step by Step: Free Kid's Toothpaste, Free Papermate Pens & More!

I take my 28 month old toddler to my coupon shopping trips.  Actually I take him to all my shopping trips.  Since my husband works night shift, I can't just go shopping at night and have my husband look after my son.  It can be tough and chaotic at times but it's so cute to sometimes see my son saying "coupons" when I take my coupons out, haha. :-)  Anyway, this is what can happen when you take your 2 year old toddler.  He completely destroyed the Chobani yogurts out of packaging, so I had to put it back together for photo!

Today's purchase only involed printable coupons!

Free Thumb Socks: Stop Texting & Driving

Did you know that texting and driving causes 1,600,000 accidents a year?  What's worse is that it causes 11 teen death EVERY DAY.  Join and get your free thumb socks!  Remind yourself and your loved ones not to text and drive.  All you need to do is sign up to become a member.

-Nerdy Mom

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Meat Deals for Week 7/22-7/28

 Here are the meat deals based on my weekly circulars.  Wagman's and Aldi were missing in my insert this week I don't know why!  Plus Genaurdi's(Safeway) is bought by Giant in my area so I am no longer getting Genuardi's ads.  Anything marked *Best Price is the best price for the week between all the stores.  It is not a stock up price!

Bottom Dollar Food 7/20-7/26
Top Sirloin Steaks value pack - $3.98/lb limit 2 *Best Price
Gwaltney Pork Sausage - $0.77 each limit 6 *Best Price
Chicken Fresh Whole Birds - $0.77/lb limit 2 *Best Price

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Top Kid Friendly Online Games

As a former hardcore gamer, I've had a fair share of all sorts of MMOG's & MMORPG's (Massive Multiplayer Online Game/Role Playing Game) up until I had my son.  One of those games included kid's games.  I love cute characters and I like how chats are restricted in kid's games so that other players can't put a player down or discourage a player, and of course use vulgar language.  And, a lot of the cases, parents play with their kids to help them out when they need help in the game.  I've met some great parents through some of these kid's online games.

I believe there is no better way to monitor your child on your own while he/she is playing games.  So I think it's a very good idea to actually join in the fun in the game with your child.  And, of course, I believe this is very important, with time restriction also.  It can be very easy to get carried away without knowing how many hours you've spent in the game.  Trust me, I've been there!

From my own experience, this is what I would look for in a kid's game.
  1. Must have chat restriction
  2. Must involve some thinking in some way
  3. Friendly environment (Players willing to help other players)
 I've personally played and found 5 games that I found rather suitable:

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Healthy Homemade Ice-cream

For those days that you want to indulge in some yummy ice-cream and want a healthy alternative, there is always the option of making it yourself.

I came across some great recipes online and this one is the first one I tried out. Recipe courtesy of Girls Gone Strong on Facebook.

Chocolate Ice-cream

1. 3 bananas
2. 1.5 cups of almond milk
3. 2 scoops of protein powder (I chose a chocolate flavor)

1. Peel bananas, slice and place in the freezer for 30mins-1hr.
2. When bananas are ready, mix with almond milk and protein in a blender.
3. Ice-cream is ready to eat.

Be careful with the almond milk as it determines the consistency of your ice-cream. Mine ended up being a cross between ice-cream & a thick shake. Still delicious nevertheless.

My daughter loved this quick homemade ice-cream. My verdict: 2 thumbs up!


Monday, July 16, 2012

Free Yoga Sundays

Happy Sunday, everyone!

Here at Nerdy Mom Fit Mom, we have decided to do a weekly Sunday feature of a follow-along yoga practice. Free Yoga Sundays will have either a yoga video link or a printable practice for all of you to get your weekly yoga fix.

Sunday is usually regarded as the rest day of the week and is a great day to unwind from the last 6 day's pressures, get limber, flexible and relieve tension.

Here is a wonderful yoga video to give your hips, hamstrings and lower back some much needed TLC. Especially great if you have been sitting at a desk for most of the week or hitting your workouts hard.

30 minute yoga for the hips, hamstrings and lower back


~Fit Mom

Easy Bake Egg

I came across this easy bake egg recipe on Pinterest and had to give it a go.

Recipe called for:
-Eggs (I went with organic, free range ones)
-Non stick cooking spray (EVOO)
-Cupcake tray

-Preheat oven at 350 and spray cupcake tray with EVOO.
-Crack 1egg per opening.
-Put 1 spinach underneath 1 egg. I used a teaspoon to help me maneuver the spinach.
-Sprinkle eggs with herbs of your choosing. I went with a touch of Peppercorn and crushed red peppers.
-Cook in oven for 15mins.



It really is that easy!

And, the finish product:



I didn't have any English muffins but these egg bakes would be perfect for breakfast or even snacks.

~Fit Mom

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Where to find Yoga workouts

Sometimes it's difficult to find a yoga class near you or when it's convenient for you. Don't let this be a deterrent for you not to pratice yoga.

Here is a list of resources to help you with finding yoga practices & sequences for your yoga workout at home, on the go or at the gym.

1. Streaming yoga videos online
There are many yoga companies that allow you to register for a monthey membership fee for unlimited yoga and Pilates videos. One such company is My Yoga Online. For $10 a month, you are given access to unlimited yoga videos from a variety of teachers & yoga practices. There are also nutritional articles, Pilates, Capoeira, Tai Chi and Fusion workouts available. I am currently subscribed to My Yoga Online and have found it very useful for my home practice. I am not bound by a class schedule and can do yoga on my own time. My flexibility and understanding of my body, body mechanics and yoga has steadily improved with My Yoga Online. There is a vast library of yoga videos stretching from beginners, intermediate, advanced and All Levels. The other benefit is the yoga commmunity on this website. The members provide useful feedback on the video practices that they have done share their own yoga journey with everyone.

My Yoga Online Offering a 2week free trial & cost $10 a month. No contract obligation.

Here are some other Online Yoga companies:
1. Gaian TV Offering a free trial for new users. $9.95 a month and no commitment.
2. YogaGlo Offering a 15 day free trial period and is $18 a month and with no contract commitment.
3. Yoga Vibes Offering a 15 day free trial and cost &20 a month. No contract commitment.

2. YouTube Yoga Videos
Like number 1, this requires the use of a laptop, iPad or computer and Internet access. YouTube is a great resource for finding free yoga videos. Make sure that the Yoga videos are from legitimate teachers and to your yoga ability.

Here are some yoga videos I found on YouTube:

1.Yoga For Complete Beginners-20 mins
2.Flexibility Yoga Class for Moms-20 mins
3.Heart Opening Yoga-30 mins
4.Hip Opening Yoga Class-45 mins
5.Morning Yoga for Flexibility-7 mins

3. Yoga Magazines
These can be purchased at your local supermarket/grocery store/newsagent. Magazines like Yoga Journal provide great insight into particular poses, modifications for your body and asanas to help alleviate poor postures, back pain, hip openers and many more. They include 3-5 yoga home sequences for you to practice at home and in your own time.

I am constantly finding amazing home practices to try out from Yoga Journal.

4. The Internet
Do some research and you can find excellent free yoga sequences at your disposal. These 2 resources offer a free library of yoga videos and are worth checking out:

1.Do Yoga With Me
2.My Free Yoga

5. Yoga Videos & Books
Your local library will have an abundance of yoga videos and books for you to borrow. If you prefer owning your own yoga book or video, check out Amazon for some competitive deals.

6. On Demand/Netflix/Yoga TV channels
Another great way to search for yoga videos and practices. Check out your television channels for free yoga practices to follow.


~Fit Mom

Nerdy Mom, Fit Mom First Facebook Giveaway to 5 Followers!

Hi everyone!

Thank you for all your support!  We're proud to announce that Nerdy Mom & Fit Mom finally published our official self-hosted website! In celebration, we wanted to give away a few neat things to 5 - not just 1! - of our random Facebook followers!  But there is a catch, we MUST reach 200 "Likes" on our Facebook Page!  You have a pretty good chance of winning since we're giving away to 5 followers!

Here's how to enter:
  1. You MUST "Like" our Facebook Page (That's it!)
  2. To increase your chances of winning, you can share any of our Facebook wall posts with your own Facebook friends. Sharing of our Facebook posts will count as another seperate entry for the giveaway.
Rules & Info:
  1. This giveaway is for U.S. residents ONLY. Worldwide fans, please bear with us as we establish our blog. We are hoping to have something special for you all in the future.
  2. Once we reach 200 "Likes" on our Facebook page, we will pick the 5 lucky winners.
  3. We will be using a random number generator to pick the winners after 24 hours of our Facebook page reaching 200 "Likes".
  4. We will announce on a post who won which giveaway.
  5. If you are one of the winners, you MUST contact us through e-mail within 48 hours of the announcement.  You MUST include your Facebook name, full name and your address.  If you do not e-mail us within 48 hours, the giveaway will go to another random follower.
This is what we will be giving away:
 2 - Schick Hydro shaving razors with 2 cartridges included + holder to 2 random followers
1 - The Honest Company "Essentials" Trial pack + Baby wipes trial pack to 1 random follower
1 - Michelle Phan's May MyGlam beauty bag to 1 random follower
(Includes Studio Gear Lipstick "Salsa", 1 concealer brush, 1 eyeliner brush, Nail Bling, Love, Sweet, Love by philosophy fragrance)
 1 - Nerdy Mom, Fit Mom's own little beauty concoction to 1 random follower
(Includes Covergirl LashBlast Waterproof Mascara, Revlon nail files, Revlon eyelash curler, NYC Nail Polish "Classic Coral")

This will be just one of many giveaways!  Stay tuned for more giveaways in the future and we always appreciate your support on our blog! :-)
-Nerdy Mom, Fit Mom

Monday, July 9, 2012

15 minute workout series: #3 Row, Row & Row

I'm generally not a fan of cardio machines, but and this is a big BUT, I make an exception for the Indoor Rower.

Indoor rowers may look easy but they give an incredible total-body workout. They are great for overall fitness, fat loss and cross-training. It uses your legs, arms, back and abs.

Legs are responsible for 70% of the power in your strokes.

Benefits of rowing:
1. Low Impact on knees & ankles Ideal for people with joint problems. As this is a seated activity, rowing removes body weight and impact from the injury prone joints of the hips, knees and ankles.
2. High calorie burner It uses many muscle groups in your body. You get stronger and maintain a large calorie burn.
3. Functional Incorporates functional, core-strengthening, posture improving movements of the leg-press, hip hinge and row.
4. Engages upper and lower body
5. Also works your back and abs
6. Combines the benefits of cardiovascular fitness and strength training in one workout
7. Suitable for most people to use
8. It's a rain or shine activity

84% of your muscle mass is used when rowing That includes:
-Rectus Abdominis
-Erector Spinae

How to row?
I found this useful YouTube video showing you the right form and technique for rowing.

Rowing Workouts
To benefit from a 15 minute or less workout, check out these workout ideas for the rower.

Interval Rows
Perform repeats of 500m/750m or 1000m distances. Rest anywhere from 1-4 minutes between the repeats.

Race against a friend or have a sprint session on the rower. Popular sprint distances include 250m/500m and 750m.

Long Distance
The most common race distance is 2000m. Elite men & women can do this distance in around 5-6 1/2 minutes. Average people will be able to achieve this distance in around 8-8 1/2 minutes. All dependent on gender, weight and fitness.

Indoor rowing classes
If you are completely new to rowing, an indoor rowing class would be a good place to start off. The will be a teacher to help you achieve good form and get the most out of your time. There are also indoor rowing classes that are created as group challenges. The whole class are divided into separate groups and row against each other.

Have a fit and active day, I'm off to row now.

~Fit Mom

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Summer Essentials

I am a Summer baby and a self confessed beach lover having been born near the beach & in a tropical climate. When the sun is out and the weather is good, there is nothing I prefer doing than being by the ocean. Feeling the sand between my toes, the salty ocean breeze and a good book to read.

Being a Summer & Beach baby, I wanted to research on essentials for being at the beach and also for an active outdoor summer life.

Here are some items I have found essential to bring outdoors in the Summer:

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

When is the best time to exercise in the Summer?

With the Summer season in full effect, the dilemma of finding the perfect time to exercise outside is also here.

I'm sure that we've all seen the heat wave temperatures these last few weeks coupled with the extreme humidity levels. But, for those who need to train outside for competitive races & sports and for those who just love taking their workouts outdoors, when is the best time to exercise outside? We all want to avoid the blazing sun & stifling heat.

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Friday, June 29, 2012

FREE Eco Bag from Staples + 15% Off!

Right now through July 4th, Staples is giving away their eco bag for free!  All you have to do is print this coupon  and take it to the customer service desk.  You also get 15% off on anything you can fit in the bag including furniture.  There are some exclusions though, make sure you read the fine print on the bottom of the coupon.  I can't resists free things + 15% discount on ink cartridges are hard to come by so I had to go!  Are you going?

-Nerdy Mom

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Shopping Trip Today: Step by Step: Target Green Works Clorox Wipes & Advil PM

I always like to stock up on all kinds of medicine as much as I can.  My husband and I don't take much pain relievers or any other medicines but it's nice to have something when you need it.  After all, medicine should be there right when you need it.  Sometimes when my friends and family come over, they get a headache, heart burn...whatever the issue, I have the medicine for it.

So anyway, I was happy to come across this deal at Target.  Right now at Target, you can get a $5 gift card when you buy any 2 of the participating Advil, Bayer or Aleve products.  Not to mention I also snatched this great deal with Green Works Wipes.  I can never have enough disinfecting wipes!  Here is what I did:

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Is Your Baby a Lefty?

Ever wonder if your baby is right handed or left handed?  I've been wondering about my son lately.  I've never really paid close attention but he seemed to use both hands really well.  So I decided to do some research to see how early signs appear in children and how to tell if he/she is right handed or left handed.

This is what I found:

  • Signs of which hand your child prefer can show as early as 6 months!
  • Right or left handed-ness can be genetic, for example if you and your partner are both left handed, there is about 45-50% your child will be. (About 10% of population are left handed)
  • Some children may be ambidextrous up until about 5-6 years old.
  • It is said that if your baby is using one hand exclusively before 18 months old it could be a sign of motor development problems, therefore you should talk to your pediatrician.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

15 minute workout series #2: The Vacation Workouts

A vacation should just be that a vacation. Time for us to take it guilt free, relax and enjoy ourselves. Training can be put off in favor of spending time with the people we are with, eating delicious food and generally having fun.

However, I know that there are many people still looking to squeeze in a workout during their vacation because they can't stop moving. I am one of those people. I love being active and moving.

There are also people who travel frequently for work and need to fit their workouts in with their travel.

I am currently on a mini vacation and wanted to share with you all what my vacation workouts looked like.

Now, there are many options for people on the move.

The first one being the Fitness room in your hotel. I snapped this quick picture of my hotel Fitness room. To my disappointment, it lacked free weights. Also, with the beautiful weather here, I really wanted to be outside.

There may also be gyms in your vacation area that offer day passes. These day passes can cost any where from $10-$20.

Friday, June 22, 2012

"The Honest Company" Baby Products Free Trial!

click to zoom
The Honest Company is offering free trials right now for their products.  They manufacture and sell more than a dozen non-toxic, chemical-free baby products, from diapers and wipes to shampoos and detergents.  All you need to do sign up on their website and pay $4.95 for shipping. 

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Cerama Bryte Cook Top Cleaner Review: Put to the Test!

Click to zoom
After 2 weeks, this is what my cook top looked like
I have a Whirlpool electric range with Ceran cook top.  Oh, how I despise cook tops.  They look good, but I could never seem to get them perfectly clean.  No matter what kind of products I used, nothing seemed to bring back my cook top the way it was before.

A few months ago, I was shopping at Lowe's with my husband and I asked one of the workers what he would recommend for a cook top cleaner.  He took me to the section for cleaning cook tops.  I didn't see anything that caught my eye.  I told him that I've pretty much tried all these products and I wanted something different.  Then he took me over to the appliance section and showed me this product called Cerama Bryte Cook Top Cleaner.  The package came with a scraper and a yellow scrubbing pad and the bottle of the product.  It claimed that they are the #1 cook top cleaner in America - don't they all? - but I decided to give it a try.  I went home and before I opened it, I decided to look for reviews on the internet.  To my surprise, Amazon reviews were really good on this product.

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Road Trip Snack Ideas

I've known people to bring the rice cooker with them on road trips, my own family included. I also know people who peruse the rest stops to purchase their food there.

But, what should we really be bringing with us for Road Trip Snacks? What is healthy and relatively inexpensive? What foods will keep us fuller for longer? What foods can be preserved and don't spoil quickly? And, what foods take up the least space? The last one being a factor especially for those taking vacation road trips and thus baggage & other items needed take up the most space in the vehicle.

I'm not a big fan of rest stop food restaurants/stores because normally the food available aren't as healthy and sometimes the cost of the food can be expensive. However, If I don't have snacks or drinks with me, then they can be a life saver.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Shopping Trip Today: Step by Step: Samy Fat Hair, Seventh Generation, Free Pantene & More!

This week, Rite Aid has some awesome deals going on such as free popcorn, Pantene and Colgate!  I HAD to make a trip!  I also scored a great deal at Target on Seventh Generation products and Samy Fat Hair Care at Walgreens.  So here it goes:

Potty Training a Stubborn Toddler: Potty Training Made Easy!

I recently potty trained my 27 month old son, right after he turned 2.  I wish I could have done it sooner though because I could've saved a ton of money from not buying diapers.  When I talked to some of my former Korean co-worker ladies (they are all 15+ years older than I am) they all told me they potty trained their kids right when they turned 1.  My son was almost turning 2 at the time and my previous attempts to potty train him - at around 18 months old - failed miserably.  How in the world did they train their kids at such early age?  That's exactly what I asked them, haha.  And literally all of them told me the same thing:

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Superfood: Avocado

I have a confession to make. Like Spinach, I am food obsessed with Avocado. And it's a good thing to as Avocado is another Superfood.

The fruit Avocado is a good source of fiber, potassium and vitamins. Half an Avocado is 160 cals, 15 grams of heart- healthy GOOD unsaturated fat, and 2 grams of saturated fat. It contains 1/3 our daily requirement of Vitamin C and half our daily requirement of Vitamin K.

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Living on a Budget: How Couponing Changed My Life

How much do you spend on groceries a month? $300? $400?  Does that amount include toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, cleaning supplies and personal care items?  Before I became aware of my expenses and before couponing, I was probably spending $400-$450 a month JUST on food & take out ALONE.  These expenses did not include the other stuff I mentioned above.  It's scary to think how much money I threw away before I became a couponer.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fitness Activities in Philadelphia this Summer

If you live in the Philadelphia area then you should definitely read this.

There are lots of things going on this Summer in the city of Brotherly Love.

I've compiled a quick list of free activities & things on offer for adults and kids:

1. Urban Yoga Philadelphia presented by Lululemon
Where: outside at the Plaza Comcast Center
When: Every Thursday this Summer at 6.30pm
How much: Free
All you need to do is bring your mat & maybe a few friends and experience Yoga Philly style. There will be a new teacher every Thursday from Philadelphia's top yoga studios.

2. City Sports 4 Week Boot Camp Series
Where: Meet at Rittenhouse Square
When: Every Saturday June 16th - July 17th from 10-11am
Cost: Free
A hour long boot camp led by Weston Fitness
RSVP here
Bonus: Insiders get $5 for every session! Sign up to be an Insider here

3. ASCAB House Warming BBQ
Where: Project Capoeira 1715 McKean Street, Floor 2, Philadelphia
When: Saturday June 30th 6.30-11.30pm. Dance workshop 7-8pm
Cost: $10 for all you can eat BBQ, $10 for House Dance workshop or $15 in advance for both. Kids are FREE!
ASCAB Capoeira have moved their academy to this new location. Help them celebrate with a yummy BBQ and an aptly chosen House dance workshop. Meet new friends, bring old friends and boogie the night away.

Stay tuned for more free things/events/shows in Philadelphia.

~ Fit mom

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Target Trip Today: Shaving Razors and Snacks: Step by Step Guide!

Sorry for the shaky picture, my son was messing with me.

My family LOVES Wheat Thins so I was so happy to find this deal!  Not to mention these great deals for the Schick shaving razors!!  I had to make 3 transactions for today's trip.  I went in and out of Target 3 times haha!  Oh, the things I do to save a few bucks! :-)  

1st Transaction
  • 2 Schick Shaving Razor $9.49 each (Buy 2 get $5 Gift Card Promotion)
Coupons Used:

Total:  $18.98 + tax
Total Out of Pocket:  $6.98 for BOTH + tax after coupons

Received $5.00 Gift Card from promotion

2nd Transaction
  • 2 Schick Shaving Razor $9.49 each (Buy 2 get $5 Gift Card Promotion)
  • 1 NYC Nail Polish $0.94 each
  • 2 Wheat Thins $2.00 each (price cut)
  • 4 Lunchables $1.00 each (price cut)
Coupons Used:

Total:  $27.92 + tax
Total Out of Pocket: $6.42 + tax after coupons and gift card
Received $5.00 Gift Card Promotion from buying 2 Schick Razors

3rd Transaction
  • 2 Wheat Thins $2.00 each (price cut)
  • 4 Lunchables $1.00 each (price cut) (There's 2 missing because we ate two, haha)
  • 2 NYC Nail Polish $0.94 each
  • 1 EPT Pregnancy (2 Tests) Clearance $6.98

Coupons Used:

Total:  $15.92 + tax
Total Out of Pocket:  $4.86 + tax after coupons and gift card

TOTAL Out of Pocket $18.26 + tax for all this!!  That was an awesome trip!

-Nerdy Mom

Fun activities to do with your family & friends this Summer

With Summer here and the Sun shining, there are so many fun outdoor activities to do. Getting and staying fit & healthy is so much better when you're having a great time with your loved ones.

Also, if you have young children, showing them how to have fun and be active and fit is setting a great example for them in life.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Father's Day Quick Gift Ideas + Savings!

Father's Day is this Sunday!  I know, I'm a little late with this list, and I really should've done this last week...but for those of you who haven't thought of anything yet, you are in luck!  Here's a last minute list that I came up with and to make it better I found coupons to go along with it!  (No items from this list are from online shopping.  No time to get them delivered anyway and who wants to do over night or 2 day shipping?  Too expensive!)

  • Does he need a new pair of shoes?  Famous Footwear has a 20% off printable coupon available through 6/17!  There are some nice pair of shoes for around $40.  I love Famous Footwear because they have quality name brand shoes for great prices!  Don't forget to sign up for their rewards program also while you are there!

  • Is he an outdoors man?  Does he love sports?  Golf?  Fishing?  Sign up with just your email at Sports Authority and receive a printable coupon for $10 off $50 purchase!

  • If he is a fashionable man, H&M has nice shirts starting from $9.95!  They also carry nice sunglasses and hats.  If you sign up for their newsletter, you will get a printable 20% off coupon through email!  I personally love everything from H&M!
  • If he is a handy man, I have something for him too!  Does he need new tools?  Maybe he needs a wrench set (for $19.99)?  A hammer? Harbor Freight has a whole bunch of printable digital coupons one of them being 20% off any item.  My husband is a handy man and he goes to Harbor Freight all the time.  They have quality tools at an unbeatable price.

  • Make his life easier with an electric shaver! and both have printable coupons for the Philips Norelco Electric Shavers!  The Norelco SensoTouch Electric Razor is $89.99.  Print the $15 off coupon from and $15 off coupon from and get a whopping $30 off of this quality electric shaver!  And YES you can combine the two coupons!  Target will accept 1 Manufacturer's Coupon and 1 Target Coupon per item!  Also, both sites have $10 off of ANY Norelco Electric Shaver coupon.  I believe there are some Norelco electric shavers for around $40-$45.  If you use the 2 coupons from both sites, you can buy it just for around $20-$25! **UPDATE** I went to Target today and I saw electric shavers from $35-$40!  Which means you can score one for $15-$20!  What an awesome deal!

I hope this helped!  I'll keep you posted if I come up with any other ideas!

Happy Father's Day!

-Nerdy Mom

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tired of Replacing Those D Batteries for Your Baby's Swing? There is a Solution!

I bought the Fisher-Price Precious Planets Projection Mobile for my son when he was about 4 months old.  He is now 26 months old and he still likes it.  The umbrella part comes off and the projection reaches all the way to the ceiling so he likes to have it on while he's falling asleep.  You can't imagine how many D batteries we had to go through though.  This thing takes 4 D batteries at a time and just the batteries alone can cost so much!

15 minute workout series: #1 Jump Rope

I know that there are many, many busy people out there leading hectic lives but still wanting to be active & healthy. Sometimes trying to fit a workout into your already packed daily schedule is difficult.

So is a 15 minute workout possible and effective? Most definitely!

I think that doing something is better than doing nothing. Also, starting off small and building fitness as a life long habit is great. You'll find that you will start to possibly increase your workout time or make more time to be physically active because of how energized and great you feel.

With short workouts we have to be smart about what we do. By using our time more effectively we can actually get great results as if we were doing a longer workout, and sometimes even better & quicker results.

The number 1 requirement for an effective short workout is Intensity.

The second factor to consider is what you are looking to achieve. Be it strength, muscle building, fat loss, endurance or general fitness.

For the first series of our 15 minute workout posts, we will look at Jump Rope.

Read More --->

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Couponing Tip: Buying Sunday Newspapers for Cheaper Price

If you are thinking about couponing, you should start with buying Sunday newspapers for cheap.  I buy 4 newspapers every Sunday to get 4 stacks of coupon inserts.  Where I live, a local Sunday newspaper costs $1.75 normally at super markets and convenient stores.  Philadelphia Inquirer is the metropolitan newspaper (they stopped carrying the RedPlum coupon insert) and it costs $2.00.  If you are lucky enough to live in an area that delivers coupon inserts every week, I envy you!  I live in one of those unlucky areas!  And since I'm such a penny pincher, I don't like to spend that much on newspapers especially because the only reason I get them is for coupons.  If I paid regular price for those newspapers, I'd be paying $28 a month!  Sure, the coupons I get from the newspapers and then couponing to buy groceries pays off but I just like to save a little more.

So here are few things that you can do to buy them cheaper:

  • Buy them at your nearest dollar store.  I'm not sure if all dollar stores carry newspapers but I know Dollar Tree does.  The local Sunday paper (The Intelligencer or The Courier Times in my area) comes with both SmartSource and RedPlum coupon inserts and they only cost $1.
  • The obvious option would be getting them delivered every Sunday to your door by subscription.  Only reason I don't like to do this is because sometimes the coupon inserts can be missing and there is no way for you to check them before you buy them. Also, the special price is usually set for a certain time and after that period is over, they'll start charging you regular cost of the newspaper or more.
  • Go to the super market or convenient store at the end of the day and ask if they can sell the newspapers for a cheaper price.  It's a hit or miss though, the stores may do it for you or may not, and by the end of the day they may be out of newspapers too.
I go to the Dollar Tree every Sunday morning to get 4 newspapers.  I think it's a great deal.  Do you know any other cheaper ways to get coupon inserts?  Let us know!

-Nerdy Mom

Friday, June 8, 2012

Considered "Safe" by EWG: BabyGanics Baby Sunscreen

We all want the best for our babies when it comes to food and products we use on them right?  If you've read one of Fit Mom's posts on sunscreen last week, according to the Environmental Working Group, some of the ingredients found in sunscreens can actually be harmful and toxic and increase the chances of skin cancer for you and your baby.  Read original source here.  Right now, at Babies R Us, they are having a B1G1 50% off on all sunscreens.  I was running out of my California Baby Sun Block which is also considered safe or low-risk by Environmental Working Group, so I wanted to go and get some more.

California Baby Sun Block and other EWG low-risk sun blocks are very expensive.  They can run anywhere from $18.99-$24.99 for a 4 oz. tube.  But I found an alternative which is much cheaper - called BabyGanics.  Their 2 oz is on sale for $3.49 B1G1 50% off.  I got all 4 for $10.48.  They also have the 6 oz. for $8.99 if you want bigger sizes.  I just like to carry smaller sizes.  Now the 2 oz might not ring up as B1G1 50% off at the register (that's what happened to me) so just point out that all the sunscreens are on sale and they should take it off manually for you.  If you want to avoid the hassle just go with the 6 oz.

I'm not 100% sure but I believe the sale is through 6/14.  If you want to make sure and not miss the deal, go tomorrow!

Are you using the safe kind of sunscreen for you and your baby?

-Nerdy Mom

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Superfood: Spinach

Whenever I think of Spinach, I think of the fictional cartoon character Popeye the Sailor. Everytime Popeye would pop open the can of spinach and eat it, his muscles would bulge out and his super strength would kick in.
In fact sales of Spinach increased by 33% in the US between 1931 and 1936 due to Popeye's popularity.

But is Spinach really a superfood? Here's why I give it the thumbs up & regularly eat it at most meal times:

Benefits of Spinach

1. Nutrient dense-food ~ It is probably the most nutrient dense-food in existance. Spinach is low in calories but high in vitamins and minerals. It's an excellent source of Vitamins K, A, C, B2, B6, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Potassium and Folate.

2. Readily available anywhere in the world You won't have to look high and low for it as it can be found in most supermarkets and Farmer's markets.

3.Versatile It can be eaten raw as a Salad, or as part of a healthy smoothie or cooked in omelettes, soups and other warm dishes.

4. High in antioxidants Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals make it difficult to fight off infections, damage DNA leading to cancer, lowers defense against heart disease and accelerates the aging process.

5. Healthy Heart Vitamins C & A help reduce the damaging effects of free radicals already in the body. The antioxidants keep cholesterol from oxidizing and help to combat the onset of Osteoporosis and Antherosclerosis. The Folate helps to ensure a healthy cardiovascular system and Magnesium helps to lower blood pressure.

6. Spinach has anti-inflammatory properties Neoxanthin and Violanxanthin are two anti-inflammatory properties that play an important role in the regulation of inflammation and are present in unusual amounts in Spinach.

7. Supports brain function It has been shown to slow age related decline in brain function.

8. Healthy Eyes Lutein is present in Spianch amd helps protect against eye disease.

9. Healthy Skin High amounts of Vitamin A is in Spinach. It promotes healthy skin by allowing proper moisture retention in the epidermis. Thus helping to combat Psoriasis, Acne and wrinkles.

10. Helps to maintain healthy bones 1 Cup of Spinach ( or 1/6 Cup of cooked Spinach) contains twice the daily Vitamin K needs. Vitamin K,along with Magnesium and calcium, is essential to maintaing healthy bones.

A few key things to note before buying Spinach

1. It is one food that is high in pesticides. When buying Spinach, it is always good to buy organic.

2. Buy the greenest Spinach you can find as this will be the one with the most Vitmain C

3. Gout sufferers may be affected by the Purine in Spinach.

4. Those with Kidney problems should consult their doctor as Spinach has high levels of Oxalic Acid that is associated with Kidney problems.

Here are some ways in which I've included Spinach into my meals

1.With burgers and wraps

2. In yummy omelettes

3. Served with Coconut Chicken Curry

4. With Salad

5. And, healthy smoothies. This one is made of Avocado, Spinach, Almond milk and organic honey.

Stay tuned for more superfood posts!

~Fit mom


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